
What to Share on Social Media – The Summer Series Episode 05


We’ve all got a thousand excuses for not using social media as often as we should. Some of them more valid than others, I suppose. The most common excuse, however, is the age old, “I have nothing to share. My life isn’t that interesting,” excuse.


I’m calling you out on that one, my friend. We ALL have something to share. If you spend a few minutes thinking bigger picture… as in… outside the studio… I think you’ve got plenty to share on social!

In this quick hit Summer Series episode, I’m going to spark some creative juices for you. I want you to walk away inspired, and with more than a few ideas of things you can use to light up your Instagram and get some conversations started on Twitter and other social platforms.

Oh, and for what it’s worth… there’s more to social media than booth selfies! 😉


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* Thanks to “Uncle Roy” for production assistance!
Visit http://antlandproductions.com

* Thanks to Christy Harst for VO contributions!
Visit https://christyharst.com

* Thanks to Krysta Wallrauch for VO contributions!
Visit http://krystawallrauch.com

If you need guidance with your voice over business or learning how to more effectively market, I can help. Book a 15 minute free consultation with me to discuss your specific needs. Book Your Consult

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