
How to Navigate COVID-19 in Your Voice Over Business – Episode 054


COVID-19 has propelled our society into uncharted territory. We’re trying to figure out how to navigate this crisis as parents, spouses, siblings, children, friends, co-workers, individuals and as VOpreneurs!

With each passing day new rules, regulations and restrictions are being put in place. Businesses are shuttering doors temporarily, not entirely sure when they’ll be able to open again. Remote work is becoming the new normal and “social distancing” is guaranteed to be the buzzword of 2020.

Trying to follow along with the latest information from trusted sources can be incredibly difficult with so much “noise” being spread through social media. It’s confusing and at times overwhelming. Especially trying to figure out how to handle this as a voice actor.

We don’t want to be insensitive to what’s happening in the world right now with coronavirus and COVID-19, but we also must step up and take responsibility for our businesses as owners… as VOpreneurs!

You may not realize it, or even believe it, but the world needs us right now. They need calm, reassuring, friendly voices to tell the stories, relay the information, and bring a sense of peace – even if only for a few minutes – to what we’re all facing together.

In this episode I offer a few tips to help you more effectively market yourself in these trying times. A whole new world of opportunity is opening up for the voice actors who are following the marketplace and adapting to it.

*VOICE OVER MARKETING PLAYBOOK IS COMING APRIL 14 – 24, 2020 at voiceovermarketingplaybook.com *


* Get 3 Months of VoiceZam for the price of 1
Visit https://voicezam.com/marcscott

* Need a little marketing help? Download a FREE eBook – 5 Steps to Marketing Like a VOpreneur
Download now at https://marcscottcoaching.com/5marketingstepsebook

 * For voice over services:
Visit https://marcscottvoiceover.com

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Visit https://teespring.com/stores/vopreneur

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* Thanks to “Uncle Roy” for production assistance!
Visit https://antlandproductions.com

* Thanks to Christy Harst for VO contributions!
Visit https://christyharst.com

* Thanks to Krysta Wallrauch for VO contributions!
Visit http://krystawallrauch.com

Episode Highlights

  • 1:50 Am I Capitalizing on a Crisis?
  • 2:38 Your Job in This Crisis
  • 5:45 Opportunities in Need of Voice Actors
  • 6:54 Changing Your Narratives
  • 14:28 Recording in Outside Studios
  • 17:03 A Unique Marketing Opportuntity
  • 18:14 Trying to Regain Perspective
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