
How to Recover 2020…the Lost Year of Voice Over – Episode 078


Odds are at some point in the last few months of living through a global pandemic you’ve felt it, heard it or even said it…

“2020… the lost year.”

COVID-19, hurricanes, wildfires, stock market crashes, murder hornets, asteroids and the Red Sox literally being one of the worst teams in sports!

Yup, 2020 has throw everything it’s got at us and it’s no wonder people are feeling discouraged.

The problem with the “2020, the lost year” narrative is that if you repeat it enough, you’ll start to believe it. If you say it out loud too many times, you’ll turn it into a self-fulfilling prophesy. Consciously or unconsciously.

This weeks podcast is about challenging that narrative and writing a new one instead. It’s a call-to-action to take what’s left of this year and find a way to accomplish something great with it. Something that will have a positive impact on your voice over business.

It’s a step-by-step road map I hope you’ll follow with me!

* Voice Over Marketing Playbook is back September 16 – 25, 2020. If you’re ready to up your marketing game, the Playbook video course is exactly what you need. Watch for details at voiceovermarketingplaybook.com *


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* Get 3 Months of VoiceZam for the price of 1
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* Need a little marketing help? Download a FREE eBook – 5 Steps to Marketing Like a VOpreneur Download now at https://marcscottcoaching.com/5marketingstepsebook

* For voice over services:
Visit https://marcscottvoiceover.com

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* Thanks to “Uncle Roy” for production assistance!
Visit http://antlandproductions.com

* Thanks to Christy Harst for VO contributions!
Visit https://christyharst.com

* Thanks to Krysta Wallrauch for VO contributions!
Visit http://krystawallrauch.com

If you need guidance with your voice over business or learning how to more effectively market, I can help. Book a 15 minute free consultation with me to discuss your specific needs. Book Your Consult

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